My next game comes from the geniuses from Sierra On-Line. It's a typing adventure game (like Zork) but also has a GUI so the player see what's happening. Quest for Glory 1 : So You Want to be a Hero lets you play as a hero looking to solve multiple quests including ridding the land of Spielburg from the evil witch Baba Yaga or defeating the brigands that plague the land. You get puzzle points for doing certain things and solving each quest. For those of you who aren't aware of the sheer awesomeness of the old Sierra On-Line games, here's a taste of what you can do.
You can type the "pick nose" command and based on your skill leveling of picking locks you will either successfully clear your nasal passages or die from a brain hemorrhage.
That's one of the things that makes this game so great. There's so many different humorous ways to die. And if you feel guilty about trying to kill the mighty hero, then don't fret because there's many other humorous things to do that don't result in dying.
The game is ahead of it's time in the leveling system. Instead of having levels, you have skill points in different stats which go up the more you use them. So to increase your throwing skill just pick up some rocks and throw them. Fighters can also train with the instructor in the castle to increase their fighting stats. This is how Skyrim also handles their stat and skill upgrades. No I'm not comparing this game to Skyrim in anyway other than this (although I think this game is better).
Ok class, raise your hand if you think today's games are everyone take a look around the room and see how many n00bs we have. Let me tell you, the Sierra On-Line games blow today's games out of the solar system for difficulty. Think of it as today's games are to color-by-numbers as these games are to painting Starry Night (I really hope you know what this is) blindfolded, standing on one foot, with a badger tail. You know all those annoying tutorials that no one pays attention to? Well don't worry, because these games don't have them. You get to simply experiment with commands to see what happens. And that really is where the fun lies.
Now this game, like a lot of older games, is graphically challenged, but most games of this type balance that out by allowing you to type in commands like "Look at ..." and will tell you what you should be looking at. This can be tedious at times, but it's something all older games have and what they lack in graphics they more than make up for it in either the story or gameplay or both. I have read about many people experiencing bugs and dying from them, but I have never encountered one of these.
So my final rating on QFG1 is a Gamegasm and a Buy Now.
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