Wow, this is my third review of the day. What a productive day, where did all of this motivation come from? Well, let's stick with the old school theme I've built (anyone wanna party like it's 1982? Oh...wait...I wasn't born yet...oh well, that was a horrible party time anyway) and do a review of Congo Bongo. What you ask? Congo Bongo is another game from the Atari 2600/Colecovision era of games. This game definitely needed better graphics as you are routinely caught getting stuck or miss jumping because you just can't position yourself correctly. From what I've gathered playing this game, you are a safari hunter (or Safarier?) chasing down a gigantic ape (sort of like King Kong). You get points for every step you take (yes you heard me) and there's really only 2 stages. If you manage to make your way through the pixelated game and get through both, they just repeat, which makes it pretty boring. The only thing catchy about the game is the music. (I still find it popping in my head at the most random times).
The blurry mess of pixels gets a Meh and Don't Bother.
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