Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rocket Knight Adventures

Rocket Knight Adventures is cool purely based solely having the main character be a possum with a jet pack. I mean how cool is that. The game is a classic platformer where you have to go through stages to rescue the kidnapped princess. The music and the graphics are really great, especially the music when you're flying over the water early on in the game. (It's just so inspiring.) I think by far the best moment in the game is when you discover a present that turns out to contain an evil pig and your possum jumps back and screeches. It's possibly one of the best moments in video game history. The ending was pretty disappointing although the final battle seemed to take about 15 minutes to get through and never seemed to end.

I would have given this game a Gamegasm, however the disappointing ending and being able to beat all of the bosses by just using a pattern of moves takes it down to an Ok. Cool. Definitely a game you should try out and pick up if you see a good deal.

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