Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hello World!

Welcome to Borkshire's Game Log! I am Borkshire and here is where I will be tossing my thoughts and opinions on games into the vast emptiness of the internet (cue creepy music). If you are reading this, then congratulations, you have found a rare piece of awesomeness trash on the Internet. Maybe you're just some stranger who got lost and stumbled here and now are wasting your time reading this. However, if you purposely came here then enjoy tearing my opinions on games to pieces.  After all, that's what the internet and blogs are for right? If you're wondering how I came to start blogging about the games I play here's a fictional dramatization of how it went down.

Borgman: Here's a list of the top 10 stupidest things I've ever done.
Me: Ok...
Borgman: We should make a list of our top 10 games.
Me: Why top 10? How about top 100!
Borgman: Let's do it!
Me: You know, we should start collecting these games.
Borgman: And then we should rate the games that we get!
Me: Totally!
Borgman: And then make a website for our reviews!
Me: Totally!
Borgman: And we could even make our own game!
Me: I like where this is going!
(a few weeks pass)
Me: Remember when we were gonna make our own game and website?
Borgman: Yeah...

And thus I have come up with my 4 stages of becoming a game blogger:
Collect games. (Go broke)
Try to make a game. (Fail)
Try to make your own game review website. (Fail)
Blog about it. (Succeed?)

Unlike a lot of game blogs I've seen I will be covering games from all generations from the Atari 2600 to the Xbox 360. The 1995-96 Chicago Bulls of games to the 1972-73 Philadelphia 76ers (went 9-73) of games. Each review will basically consist of my thoughts of what I liked and didn't like about the game.

At the end of each review I will give my overall rating in the form of a What a piece of junk, Meh, Ok Cool, or Gamegasm rating. They seem pretty self explanatory so I won't bother explaining them. I will also give my opinion on whether or not you should buy now, wait, or don't bother.

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